It is nothing like old one, but it's better than repeating old stuff. No one forces play it, and I saw a game as a new game. Thanks for creating something new, I'm sorry fot those closed minded guys who can't enjoy anything and must act like mindless fanatics. Also I'm happy with good PC performance, nice to eye graphics and smooth gameplay. It might not a some deep masterpiece, but it's a good game to have fun, and games supposed to be fun.
To be fair it's something new in gaming, some fresh air. I mean story and writting isn't best really, but gameplay, environments, concept is really nice. Well it's stupid compare reboot to a old games. Turned blind eye to a game and my opinion was full of hatred. Turned I played all DMC games before, I loved them all, personally I loved most first and third. I played all DMC games before, I loved them all, personally I loved most first and third.